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Sunday, November 14, 2010

since i have nothing to do,,

yeahh.. since i have nothing to do... on web, im clear..
im wrting this post...
being an introvert has its own advantages..

you dont need to listen somebody-else's love stories.. crap rides with their 3rd party frns..
you need not remember everybodys name in your college..
at times you can ignore pepl.. they mst have got used to it..
you need not check your fb/twitter/orkut accounts for notifications..
you need not update status in netwroking sites..
no need to update pics and get poured with comments..

you can do all this if you are pretty, popular, and are a true social human..

but then im not..

so i can do wotever i want..

see this is the problem.. im over practical.. and im ignoring lil emotions.. and lost my faith comletely..
now i dont trust anybody.. take it as a very few..
huh.. im all new.. even to myself....

Friday, October 1, 2010


I went with no expectations. Infact with a level of acceptance.

Movie started.,.,.,
i was shocked with the- straight jumping in to the plot.
no blah blah.
that kinda introduction which hollywd movies often give.

the story is simple- like in anyother super hero movies,.
WE create good,.,. THEY make it bad!

coming to Rajni...........
oh myyyhh god-hhhhhh
He is handsome, cute, I almost forgot his age while watchin,,,.,
He is younger than ever..,.,

aishu needs a couple of OLAY tubes..
anews she is pretty asever..

first half is portray of a persons strugle to fulfill his passionate dream of makin a robo for army-
which can risk its life-- saving one.
where in he fails to put rational thinkin..,.,
he starts to "teach" robo all kinds of feelings,,,, -responses he is supposed to give,,.,. etc,,.,.
(the most rediculous part)

then comes the lol part.. ;)
robo falls in love..,.,,,,,,,,,
so eventually all the sorrow.. sorry sorry.. adventure begins... :P

+Sana song shooting location s awesome.. amazing.. no words....

-the only thing i dnt like in the movie s the name...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

back to blogging..
you gotta 'listen my heart'
this time theres a mission..
wanna drag more peple in to blogging..

guys stop fb-ing.. Go blogging..

Friday, June 4, 2010

I wOnt cOme fOr yOu...

over are the days when i was crazy about you...
now its my time...
not that the luck has changed...
i am the whole new one!!!

from this moment, I wont think about you,,
neither dream..........
nor imagine.....
I wont wish for you..
coz it may gimme disappointment...

oops did i say that aloud??
y wud i get disappointed??
i Will.....:(

see how fickle minded i am...
but i wanna act strong...
as if i dont need you..
as if i dont care you..
as if i dont love you...

I want you to come for me....
Now thats my dream....
you coming to me...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

imp dates for class work

13th oosd project seminar conducted by govind.
15th oosd record submission(printout at lab) and LAB internal.
10,11,12 --II internals.
17,18,19,20--lab externals.

mY lil pursuit......

Tho I just came home...i dnt wana rest....
coz something stalked me...

by anemeans i wanna possess it...it gives me freedom....
but i have to go search for it.....its a cool idea...
once you get used to it...
you ll neve do it the other way..

which ever type you want...
its all available...
wich ever stream... wateve the subject....

one thing wich it demands is patience....
you need to browse sooo many websites... and weird download processes....
its not that scarry... but its pretty smart job...

i love those free ebook websites...
bythat very site i get excited...
they seem cute to me...

you need not buy them......
you need not preserve them...
(apart from the virus attacks on yur pc and all that)

once you start the habit of readin ebooks...
you ll read more..
coz.. more free books..
rather free ebooks...
isnt it??

there are some good reasons why we shdnt go for ebooks..
but anewas that doesnt stop us...
us-the ebook lovers...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

bEiNg sAnE=NeVe SaY gOOdbYe.........

Are you a machine??
can you throw someone into recycle bin??
can you format your memory??
replace another memory card in your brain??

why do you act soo unhuman....

if somethings weird... if something goes wrong....
if you dint like something.....
What does that mean??
Either you are expecting more
you have gone wrong in understanding the situation...

It is always sane to erase the memory rather than the person...
Noww,, dont ever be insane...
dont ever loose someone..
dont say goodbye forever...

You are not perfect than god,,,
if god can forgive everyone.,,
why cant you.,...

accept it as a part of their character and move on..
observer how fascinating it will be...

then you will have to never misunderstand them..
you can say.. "he is alwas like that.. its a part of him.."***

ACCEPTANCE is the key...
***conditions apply